u-m alumni association Myth busters Campaign


The Alumni Association at the University of Michigan is constantly fighting a battle against stereotypes and preconceived notions. We conducted a market research study to better understand our Alumni’s perception of the organization, and some statements came up time and time again. For example, “The Alumni Association is just for old people,” is the one we got the most. We set out to bust those myths and catch the alumni’s attention with shocking statements you wouldn’t expect to see on a University advertisement. Below is the campaign we came up with from ideation, pitching, facilitating a photo shoot with real Michigan Alumni, all the way through to completion. Deliverables of this project included, bus signs, billboards, web banners, print ads, Diag boards, and digital billboards in the Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

Collaborators: Nevin Fisher

Print Ads

Diag Boards

Bus Wraps


Website Homepage Re-design